Get involved, ask your hairdresser how!
I subscribe to a daily email from and was surprised today to get an email featuring such an incredible idea.
Here's what I received:
Help Wanted!
According to Matter of Trust, last year over 2,600 oil spills occurred around the world, and while they all aren’t high profile, each can have a devastating impact on the environment. All reports indicate that the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill will be the worst in history, far exceeding the damage sustained in the Exxon Valdez case nearly 20 years ago.
Spewing nearly 200,000 gallons of oil into the water each day, the spill is threatening hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife along the Gulf Coast. The salon community is never one to sit back and watch devastation like this occur.
So what can you do to help? Donate your hair clippings to organizations like Matter of Trust! They collect clippings, sort them and ship the fibers off to needlepunch factories to make hairmats to use for oil spill relief. These mats help soak up oil from animal fur and coastlines.
Matter of Trust also creates booms from loose hair that is stuffed into nylon stockings which are tied together to surround and soak up oil (as seen above). There are over 300,000 hair salons in the United States, and each salon cuts an average of one pound of hair per day.
Please don’t throw the clippings away. Instead, set aside a designated box in the salon to gather (clean, debris-free) hair, then contact Matter of Trust right away to get involved. They’ll take all the help they can get! Click here to learn more and to see how you can help."
Who knows? Your hair could save any number of creatures!
Bright blessings!